Friday Night Adventures

Someone was taking a poll on Facebook:

“What did you do when you were a kid on Friday nights?”   

Friday nights, I escaped the hot classrooms and boring school work, taking a break from navigating the social intricacies of pre-adolescence. 

I’d have two hamburgers, a root beer, and a snickers bar, and take it all to my room, and hunker down in front of the black and white TV that I’d rolled in on its cart.  Behind the closed door I watched my programs from early evening to late in the night after everyone else was asleep.  Big Valley, Six Million Dollar Man, Rockford Files, and Police Woman. Later, it was Johnny Carson–on Fridays, they’d have the Mighty Carson Art Players.  Even later I could catch Wild Wild West and Star Trek.

six million dollar man

Lee Majors

rockford files

James Garner as Jim Rockford

It was my favorite evening of the week, where I sat alone in my quiet room, filling up on food and stories of heroes, horses, humor, spaceships, and sex (Angie Dickinson was Police Woman). 

police woman

Angie Dickinson

When I was a little older, I left the TV to ride around town in cars with the guys.  We raced up and down Andrews Highway in Midland Texas. We’d stop at the Taco Villa for sodas, and then drive some more.  The guys would roll their windows down at the stoplights so they could shout to each while they revved their engines. They argued about whose daddy had bought them the fastest car. Or we’d talk about girls. 

Maybe I was doing it wrong, but it was kind of boring. Not like the funny wisecracks of Jim Rockford, or the skimpy outfits of undercover Angie.  And nothing was as funny as Johnny Carson.    

Johnny Carson

Ed McMahon and Johnny Carson

Does this make me out to be a pathetic kid?




But not on Friday nights when I could spend time with cowboys, a private investigator, a cyborg, a comedian, and a starship captain. 

And pretend I was Angie’s boyfriend.   

Angie Dickinson (again)

Angie Dickinson (again)

4 thoughts on “Friday Night Adventures

  1. Angie is 87 now and she doesn’t look a day older than the youthful 77 year old Martha Stewart. They both have shady pasts, but it didn’t hurt their looks!

    My boring life continued at college. When I was a freshman living in Edwards I went to supper in The Bean every evening at 5 o’clock. On the way back to the dorm I stopped and plopped in the Mabee parlor to watch Star Trek and maybe a sitcom or two. Then back to my room in Edwards for a night of reading and homework.

    When I moved into Smith-Adams I mirrored your pre-high school/high school activities. Yes, I regressed. I don’t remember what I did on week nights but on Friday I went to this place that sold 5 burgers for $5, and they were big burgers. I got the largest root beer they had and went back to Smith-Adams and watched TV until my eyes crossed. I ate every burger, too. One hundred and thirty pounds back then David.

    Looking back, those really were the days!


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